
Join our Facebook Discussion Group

Our Facebook discussion group has grown very rapidly since it was launched just a few weeks ago. We already have nearly two thousand members. You’re welcome to come and join us to discuss ancient philosophy and its relevance for modern living. Please also share the link with your friends and communities.

If you are tech savvy, you can scan the QR code below to join immediately!

Facebook Group QR Code

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News: Plato’s Academy Centre Virtual Community Reaches a Thousand Members

We’re delighted to announce that the Plato’s Academy Centre’s virtual community has already reached over one thousand members, within two weeks of launching. We’ve been astounded at the support we’ve received. Thanks everyone!

At the moment, the platform we’ve chosen is Facebook where our community is hosted in a Facebook discussion group. However, we have been considering alternative options for those who don’t use Facebook.

The community is posting news and articles for now. Soon, though, we’ll be introducing trained moderators who will be facilitating tolerant and constructive discussion about philosophy, in the spirit of the original Platonic Academy!

You can also follow our other social media accounts or subscribe to our blog or newsletter for updates and announcements regarding the project.